Thomas Lamadieu / Roots Art


Born in 1985 in Avignon (France), Thomas Lamadieu aka Roots Art finished the formation

in topography before studying art history.Now, thomas live in Germany.


He was invited to AAF ( Arfordable art fair )Brussels as a young talent in 2011.


As a member of a group of artists (ACA, Avignon), he participated in several collective

projects during the Avignon Theatre Festival since 2012.


One focus of his work is the use of photographic pictures of buildings, where he integrates

his characteristic drawings in the sky (Skyart).

Uses microsoft paint for most of his works.

His prolific work is carving out a beautiful space on the internet where he published his photos and drawings, which led to a viral circulation

of his works.


Many gallery owners, journalists, art lovers all around the world remarked and

welcomed his interpretation of art.


